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From Struggle to Strength—A Path to Transformation

My name is Flavio, and my story begins in Brazil, 1966, a time when fear and uncertainty gripped the nation. Growing up in a household shaped by political unrest and emotional volatility, I learned early on that not all battles are fought outside of us. Some of the hardest struggles are the ones we face within ourselves.

I was a quiet child, observing the fear and apprehension in the adults around me. I spent much of my childhood in fear, feeling disconnected and alone.

But then, a lifeline appeared—a simple bicycle, a gift from my paternal grandfather when I was six. That bicycle became my escape. It wasn’t just a toy; it was my key to freedom. I eventually learned to race, winning medals and trophies, but more importantly, it was a way to outrun the feeling of fear and isolation. The hours I spent cycling weren’t just about speed; they were about reclaiming a sense of control over my life.

School became another refuge. Studying at home wasn’t easy, so I developed a skill that would later become central to my work: paying deep, focused attention in the moment. I learned to absorb knowledge in class, and when I discovered the silence of the library, it felt like a sanctuary where I could explore the world through books. I devoured everything I could about technology, the mysteries of the mind, and the secrets of the universe.

By middle school, I knew I was different. I excelled academically, but my path was far from traditional. While others studied for hours, I found that my ability to focus intensely during class allowed me to succeed without spending much time studying or doing homework. My curiosity extended beyond the typical subjects, leading me to explore mysticism, philosophy, and the deeper questions of life—topics that would later shape my career as a hypnotherapist.

When my family moved to the United States in 1981, I found myself in Minneapolis, finishing high school and starting college. I began my studies in aerospace engineering, dreaming of becoming the next Von Braun. But I quickly learned that dreams and reality don’t always align perfectly. The academic rigor required at that program was overwhelming, and for the first time in my life, my ability to pay attention in class wasn’t enough. I struggled, and the sense of failure weighed heavily on me.

My father’s job took us to Florida, and that’s when depression first found me. I wasn’t succeeding in school, I couldn’t form meaningful relationships, and I was stuck in the past, replaying old failures. My mind became my prison. I sought escape, even going so far as to ask to join the Brazilian Air Force, but they had no space for me. I felt isolated, invisible, and hopeless.

Then something changed. I met a woman, graduated as a mechanical engineer, and got a job. For the first time in a long time, I felt smart and capable again. I thought I had life figured out. I was an engineer! I knew how the world worked, and I was going to help build a better one.

But life had more lessons in store for me. My curiosity about the mind and the universe never left me, and I returned to the university to pursue a master’s in engineering while also earning a degree in philosophy. I found myself drawn to mysticism, joining various mystical orders, and eventually studying hypnosis to deepen my meditation practice.

Life was beautiful at that point. I was teaching engineering, married with two daughters, and everything seemed perfect. Then, I made a bold decision: I left the university to become a full-time hypnotherapist. I felt a calling—a desire to help others heal the way I had begun to heal myself. That seemed like the start of a new chapter.

But the story didn’t unfold as I expected. I found myself divorced, my marriage unraveling in ways I couldn’t have predicted. For the next 12 years, I searched for my soulmate, convinced that if I found her, everything would fall into place. I spoke to friends about the idea of soulmates; eventually I thought I had found the missing piece of my life.

I married again, and for a while, life was beautiful. But soon, I realized that my second wife mirrored the chaos of my childhood. She was violent, dishonest, and manipulative. What’s worse, she schemed to destroy those around her, including me. I was living in a nightmare. Physical abuse became a regular part of my life. She would beat me, call the police, and accuse me of hitting her. I never did, of course, but every time the police arrived, I had to leave the house. I spent many nights sleeping in my office, wondering how this had become my life.

The abuse escalated—infidelity, poisoning, and even attempts to run me over with the car. It was too much. I filed for divorce, but she retaliated by keeping me from seeing our daughters. Her intelligence and resources seemed insurmountable, and for the second time in my life, I sank into depression. I was broken, not just emotionally but physically and financially. I lost nearly everything, including my will to live. I wasn’t suicidal, but I didn’t care whether I lived or died.

And then, I made a deal with God: If I could come back to life, if I could heal, I would dedicate myself to helping others do the same.

That was the turning point. I realized that my previous life was over, so I began to build a new one, step by step. I wrote my first book, a method for therapists to help clients who felt broken and lost. I wrote a second book on the philosophy of therapy, and I re-wrote it myself in Spanish and Portuguese. I authored an important book on using hypnosis to heal the body and wrote a novel about a man who heals through the mystical path.

During the pandemic, I took a job as an assistant engineer. Soon I was the chief of engineering and manufacturing at the company, but I knew my heart wasn’t in it. So, for the second time in my life, I left a lucrative position to return to what I love—helping people transform their lives through hypnotherapy.

By then, I wasn’t just rebuilding a career—I was rebuilding myself. I had friends encouraging me to finish medical school, which I had started years earlier. I doubted myself, wondering if I still had the ability to learn. But after a conversation with a professor who remembered my work in hypnosis, I found myself back in medical school, completing my classes and rotations.

Today, as I near the completion of my medical education, I am focusing entirely on lifestyle medicine—helping people overcome issues related to weight, sleep, relationships, and prosperity mindset. Rapid Solutions Hypnosis is not just a name; it is a method designed to produce measurable results quickly. It is a new paradigm in personal transformation. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, sleep better, heal from past trauma, or unlock financial success, I can help you achieve real, lasting transformation.

My journey wasn’t easy. I’ve faced deep personal pain, near-death experiences, and overwhelming loss. But each of those challenges taught me something vital about resilience, healing, and the power of the mind. Now, I use those lessons to help my clients transform their lives. I understand what it feels like to be stuck, to feel like there’s no way out, but I also know the incredible potential that lies within each of us to rebuild, recover, and thrive.

I invite you to be inspired by my story, not because it’s unique, but because it’s possible. Transformation is possible for anyone willing to take the first step inward. Let’s explore that journey together.


September, 2024

Copyright 1996-2024:
Flavio B. Souza-Campos, Ph.D.
Corporate Office:
10 Canal Street, #234
Miami Springs, FL 33166
Service Locations In:
Coral Gables, Doral, Aventura
[email protected]