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Welcome to the Mindful Couple Program

If you're feeling stuck in your relationship—whether it’s constant fighting, emotional distance, apathy, or even betrayal—you’re not alone. Many couples experience deep frustration when things don’t feel like they used to. But what if the real work isn't about “fixing” the relationship itself, but instead, focusing on healing the personal challenges that are impacting it?

The Mindful Couple program is different from traditional relationship counseling. Our approach is rooted in the belief that there are no relationship problems—only personal problems that affect the relationship. By working on yourself, your patterns, and your energy, the relationship naturally begins to shift and evolve. This isn’t about changing your partner; it’s about transforming your own inner world so that you can both show up more fully and mindfully in the relationship.

How the Mindful Couple Program Works:

This program uses hypnosis as a powerful tool for deep personal growth and transformation. Our work focuses on five critical areas that often drive relationship challenges:

  1. Masculine Energy: Cultivating confidence, direction, and assertiveness.
  2. Feminine Energy: Embracing nurturing, creativity, and emotional flow.
  3. Forgiveness (A Course in Miracles): Learning to release old wounds and clear emotional blockages.
  4. Languages of Love: Understanding how you and your partner express and receive love, and how to communicate it effectively.
  5. Attachment Styles: Uncovering your attachment patterns and how they affect your connection and security within the relationship.

Through a combination of individual sessions (working with each partner separately) and joint sessions (bringing all three of us together), this program is designed to address personal issues while simultaneously supporting the overall relationship. The individual sessions allow each person to work through their inner struggles privately, while the joint sessions provide a space to explore the relationship as a whole, offering a balanced and comprehensive approach to healing.

Why Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a unique and effective tool because it works on the subconscious mind, where many of our emotional patterns, limiting beliefs, and relationship dynamics are rooted. Unlike surface-level techniques, hypnosis allows us to access the deeper layers of your mind to uncover and transform the hidden issues that are holding you back from having the relationship you desire.

One Program, One Fee, One Transformation

We understand that navigating a troubled relationship can be emotionally exhausting, and adding unpredictable financial stress only makes it harder. That’s why we offer the Mindful Couple program as a single, all-inclusive process with a one-time fee. This allows you to focus on the real work of personal growth and relationship healing without worrying about paying for every session along the way. With a clear, structured process, you’ll have measurable milestones and results, all within a predictable time frame.

Is This Program Right for You?

  • Are you feeling disconnected from your partner but unsure how to fix it?
  • Have past hurts or betrayals made it hard to trust or move forward?
  • Do you struggle with constant arguments, or have you grown apathetic toward one another?
  • Are you looking for a deeper, more mindful connection with your partner that feels authentic and lasting?

If any of this resonates with you, the Mindful Couple program is designed to guide you on a path of personal transformation that will positively affect your relationship. Whether you're seeking to rebuild trust, rekindle love, or simply find peace in a challenging dynamic, this program provides the tools and space for real change.

Start Your Journey Today

The first step toward transforming your relationship is transforming yourself. Are you ready to begin your journey toward a more mindful, connected relationship? Let the Mindful Couple program help you unlock the personal growth that leads to meaningful, lasting change.


NEED to find that loving feeling back but not ready to book a session? Click HERE

Copyright 1996-2024:

Flavio B. Souza-Campos, Ph.D.


10 Canal Street, #234

Miami Springs, FL 33166


[email protected]