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I can help you heal your heart and get your life back. You will be better and happier than you were before. Dr. Flavio, hypnotherapist, coach, author, and survivor. Check out some recent reviews HERE.
Awesome Again
1. What you may be experiencing...

Have you recently experienced a significant emotional loss?

a. The end of a romantic relationship, betrayal, or rejection?
b. A devastating medical report?
c. Financial ruin?

If so, you probably feel heartbroken, devastated, and perhaps even hopeless about the future. You may feel stuck in a cycle of sadness, ruminating on the past, and struggling to regain their sense of identity and self-worth. You crave emotional relief, clarity, and a path to healing but may not know how to take the first step. Are you open to personal growth and seeking a way to feel whole and empowered again?

2. What is the main problem with heart break?

The main problem you may be experiencing is the deep emotional pain of heartbreak. You probably feel abandoned, unloved, or unworthy, and that you have difficulty moving on or letting go of the past. This pain may manifest as obsessive thoughts about your ex-partner, difficulty functioning in daily life, disrupted sleep, anxiety, or even depression. You may be caught in a cycle of regret or blame, believing that you’ll never find love again, or that your broken heart will never heal. The feeling of hopelessness is probably central to your current emotional state.

3. What are the secondary issues you may face when trying to heal from a broken heart?

Secondary issues might include:

  • Low self-esteem: Feeling inadequate or unlovable after the breakup.
  • Trust issues: Fear of future relationships, afraid to open up to love again.
  • Social isolation: Withdrawal from friends, family, or social activities.
  • Anxiety or depression: Emotional numbness or extreme sadness, loss of motivation.
  • Physical symptoms: Fatigue, poor appetite, or trouble sleeping.
  • Loss of direction: Difficulty setting new goals or focusing on their future.
  • Over-reliance on coping mechanisms: Such as overeating, substance use, or unhealthy distractions like obsessive social media use.
4. What is the transformation this program offers to heal a broken heart?

The "Awesome Again" program offers a profound emotional and mental transformation. You will move from feeling broken-hearted and devastated to feeling empowered, confident, and whole again. Through hypnosis and mindset work, you will:

  • Let go of the emotional attachment to the past relationship.
  • Heal deep emotional wounds.
  • Regain self-worth and self-love.
  • Rebuild trust in yourself and in the possibility of future relationships.
  • Create emotional resilience and strength to face life’s challenges.
  • Feel hopeful about your future, not just in love but in all aspects of life.
  • Learn to see the end of the relationship as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.
5. How does hypnosis address your pain and help you heal when you hurt like crazy?

Hypnosis helps you by guiding you to access and reprogram the subconscious mind, where much of your emotional pain and limiting beliefs reside. It allows you to:

  • Release deeply ingrained negative emotions, such as grief, guilt, or shame, surrounding the breakup.
  • Replace limiting beliefs like “I’ll never find love again” with empowering ones like “I am worthy of love and happiness.”
  • Process unresolved feelings about the breakup or past relationships that might be holding you back.
  • Cultivate feelings of peace, acceptance, and forgiveness, particularly if you are holding onto resentment.
  • Build emotional resilience and reframe your heartbreak as a stepping stone to personal growth.
  • Visualize a future where you are whole, happy, and capable of experiencing love again.   
6. How will you feel once you complete the program and heal your heart?

Once you complete the "Awesome Again" program, you will feel:

  • Emotionally free from the pain of your past relationship.
  • Empowered and in control of your life and future.
  • Confident in your self-worth and deserving of love.
  • Hopeful about your future relationships, with no lingering fear of being hurt again.
  • At peace with the past, no longer obsessing over what went wrong or blaming yourself.
  • Resilient, knowing you can face any future emotional challenges with strength.
  • Excited to rediscover yourself and engage in life fully once more.


"Feeling broken-hearted is one of the deepest pains we can experience, but it doesn’t have to define your future. ‘Awesome Again’ is a specialized hypnosis program designed to guide you out of despair and back into a place of strength, joy, and self-love. You’ll rediscover the power within yourself to heal, find peace, and open your heart to new possibilities. Let’s turn your heartbreak into your greatest comeback story." Dr. Flavio.

Feeling Broken-Hearted? Start Your Healing Journey with $100 OFF and a Free Report

Heartbreak can be one of the hardest things to recover from, but you don’t have to do it alone. Download our free report, "Essential Steps to Recover from a Broken Heart", and get $100 off. Begin your path to emotional freedom today. This valuable guide will give you the tools to start healing, regaining your confidence, and moving forward—because you deserve to feel whole again.

We know the work is necessary, but with the right guidance, it becomes possible. Think of this report as your first gift toward a brighter future. Your heart deserves to heal. Download your free report now and get $100 off. Take that crucial first step toward emotional recovery.

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Flavio B. Souza-Campos, Ph.D.
Corporate Office:
10 Canal Street, #234
Miami Springs, FL 33166
Service Locations In:
Coral Gables, Doral, Aventura
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